Capacity Consent and Sexual Relationships

Course Details

This two day course will address the skills and knowledge required to build decision – making capacity according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

It is designed to provide participants with the necessary expertise to assist individuals who require assistance in decision making to make decisions and have those choices respected and acted upon. This training will specifically focus on decisions concerning sexuality and intimate relationships.

The course ensures that the decision-making support provided is governed by principles such as equality and non – discrimination, the obligation to build decision making capacity and the recognition of the ability of people with disabilities as decision makers regarding their relationships and sexuality. It further more identifies the laws which guide such matters and where required provides participants with the skills and knowledge to assess decision making capacity regarding sexual relationships.

Get ready

On completion of this course participants will be able to:​

  • 1. Understand concepts such as equality and non – discrimination, supported decisions making and legal capacity.
  • 2. Recognise the capacity of people with disabilities as decision makers.
  • 3. Identify how to build decision making capacity regarding relationships and sexuality.
  • 4. Identify how the following applies to relationships and sexuality:

a. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
b. The Criminal Law Sexual Offences Act 2017;
c. The Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015;
d. The Common Law.

  • 5. Recognise the information which is relevant to a decision to engage in sexual activity.
  • 6. Be aware of useful resources which can be used to build decision making capacity with regard to sexual activity.
  • 7. Learn from a range of scenarios concerning sexual activities which have come before the Irish courts and the Court of Protection in England and Wales.
  • 8. Be able to identify what constitutes “consent”, “abuse” and “exploitation”.
  • 9. Strike a balance between empowerment of people with disabilities and protection from abuse.

Course Materials

Each participant will be provided with a student workbook and all slides.

Learning Tools

  • Video
  • Power Point Presentation
  • Group Work
  • Scenarios / Discussion / Debate
  • Application to practice

Capacity Consent and Sexual Relationships

Registration begins at 9.00 am course starts at 09:30
Payment Options: Payment can be made by clicking on the Buy Now button below,
alternatively, an invoice can be forwarded to your organisation.
  • Duration: Two day course 
  • Date:
  • Time:
  • Venue:

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