Training in reasonable accommodation is crucial for the promotion and
realisation of human rights for people who use and work in services and
organisations. This training is applicable to those organisations in both the
public and private sector such as hospitals, financial institutions and also
those organisations in the private sector. The course can be adapted to the
environment occupied by the course participants.
1. Recognise the importance of reasonable accommodations in their environment.
2. Be aware of the legal framework which underpins RA.
3. Be able to recognise when accommodations are needed.
4. Encourage self – identification and disclosure of RA needs in a supportive manner.
5. Recognise types of reasonable accommodations suitable to their environment.
6. Be able to document the accommodation process.
7. Have the skills to assess the reasonableness of a request for reasonable accommodation.
8. Be able to balance organisational needs with accommodations requests.
Each participant will be provided with a student workbook and all slides.
available from 10:00 – 19:00